As summer comes to an end and students prepare to return back-to school, nine evolv Team Members were able to participate in a unique job shadowing experience with high school-aged Girl Scouts. Through this program with Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas, seventeen young women shadowed evolv Team Members for the day, where most were introduced to a new potential career path and industry.
The girls were enthusiastic and curious about what working in the technology and the consulting industry actually entails, and what it is like to have a “grown-up job”; it’s not just meetings and drinking coffee. They had questions like:
“what does a consultant do?”
“what did you major in college?”
“how stressful is your job?”
“what do you like about your job?”
The evolv Team Members found it very rewarding to be able to share their own personal experiences, career journeys, and how their education led them to technology and consulting.
evolv is thrilled to partner with Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas to further their goal of changing the workforce pipeline in STEM to meet the urgent need for female voices, engagement, and leadership in the fastest growing sector of the U.S. economy.